Is it Time?

After the prolonged pandemic reality and its radical disruptions, are you wanting something TRULY DIFFERENT?

Are you Done?

Living with the vague dissatisfaction, mental overload from technology, too much working and not enough INSPIRATION?

What If?

This disruption of all the old was actually the Once in a Lifetime OPPORTUNITY for yourself, your REAL vision and purpose...

Could this be the WAKE UP Call you've waited for...

You may have thought about it before now...

Saying things like "Someday," or "When this happens..." or "Eventually I'd like to..."

What if that someday or eventually is actually NOW

Because in reality there is ONLY NOW

Pandemic or not, the decision to change is ultimately YOURS

Is this for YOU?


This is for you if you would like to :
  • Start putting your dreams front and center
  • See the silver linings from this unprecedented time to shift your perspective and become bigger than your circumstances
  • Listen to and honor your inner knowing about what YOU want
  • Express your essence by speaking your truth 
  • Heal wounds and conditioning from your family and past that have been blocking you being your most authentic Self
  • Own BEING YOU despite what others might think or say 
  • Shift your relationship to time and prioritizing your dreams while still managing your life
  • Powerfully deal with resignation and doubt while developing greater confidence and trust
  • Wake up with a sense of clarity and joy about who you are and your place in the world 
  • Feel worthy and deserving of your best life 
  • See the bigger picture of WHY you are here
How it works...

Step into Your Magic...

Discover through LÎLA

LÎLA draws on your body’s innate wisdom- having you FIND the movement from within through specific guidance, imagery and using your imagination. You will often be exploring with your eyes closed, so that it becomes about discovery and is experiential. In its signature Dance Alchemy© exercises, you are invited to release any inhibitions or ideas of "what needs to happen, or how things should look" so that your movement and thoughts can flow freely THROUGH you. It’s about by-passing intellect and listening to find something deeper. Through this process, you will reconnect to childlike wonder, become curious and connect to your innate Divinity by shifting your consciousness. The name, LÎLA, comes from the term “Divine Play” in Sanskrit.

Let the Magic Unfold

Get back in touch with your younger, truest Self.

By reclaiming your authentic passions, start to free yourself from the internal and external resistance around being your happiest, most inspired Self

You will receive weekly materials and daily exercises including:

  • Dance Alchemy© practices
  • Guided Meditation
  • Journaling Questions
  • Creativity, Games & Inquiry Practices
  • Metaphysical Theory, Psychology & Mindset

What KEY AREAS are explored?

If you are asking questions like these, this Program is your access to discovering the answers...

  • Where are you with aligning with your sacred Self?
  • Which part of you are you ready to express more?
  • Which gifts and passions are you ready to follow?
  • What are you ready to stop doing? 
  • Where are you in healing your relationship with yourself and your family?
  • What old patterns are you ready to release that have been blocking you from moving into living your Truth?
  • Have you ever done self-awareness work to restore confidence, trust and belief in yourself?
  • What is your belief in the possibility of something greater for your life?
  • What about the inner saboteur?
  • Do you recognize and are you ready to work with you becoming your own best ally to succeed?
  • How ready are you to listen to your heart?
  • Do you live in accordance to what nourishes your soul?
  • Can you learn to trust your body’s wisdom to lead you on your most AUTHENTIC path?
  • How ready are you to be seen and heard expressing your dreams with others in your life and the World?
  • Are you ready to push the boundaries of your public persona?
  • Are you ready to feel excitement and wonder?
  • Can you have faith something great CAN happen when you give your energy to it?

"Everything you guide us through is subtle, yet very intentional with a powerful, calm force..."

Jennifer Daure
Redefine Your Leadership Style with Jennifer Daure PCC

"I'm celebrating the reclamation of what makes me "me" since engaging in LÎLA. I'm not ashamed of who I am or how I think; instead, I'm celebrating my unique thought processes. This is a huge boost to my confidence, and I can feel it spilling over into other areas of my life like work and personal relationships."

Donna Frese
Health Care Analyst

50% Complete

Two Step

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