What is LÎLA?

LÎLA is a Process of Profound Discovery
Grounded in Dance & Awareness of the Body

More than a class or workshop, LÎLA is a mixture of artistry, healing, performance and a creative journey.

LÎLA means “Divine Play” in Sanskrit and signifies its unique approach. Its hybrid format is the synthesis of creator, Kristen Mangione’s over two decades of professional dance and healing arts experience.

With LÎLA, participants are guided through an alchemical process for the body and mind.
Each signature Dance Alchemy combines guided dance/movement improvisation with meditative breath, energy awareness and creative play for a heightened experience somewhere between shamanic journeying and a performance.

Each event or session is designed around a central theme to reveal deep insight and aha moments.  Discovery is found in bringing unconscious patterns to the surface through how your body moves.  When your body and nervous system are listened to, forgotten thoughts, decisions and patterns can emerge and shift, giving you profound new possibilities in areas that were before blocked, stuck or felt otherwise limited.

Who is LÎLA for?

LÎLA is for creatives, soul seekers and anyone wanting more confidence and greater self-expression in their lives.

Its for anyone wanting to reconnect with their mind, body and emotions, to bring confidence and clarity to their life and career path. Those who are sick and tired of just feeling “fine” when they know in their heart there is so much more to life. People who are done putting up with situations, feeling like that’s just how it is, and are ready to do some deep soul searching to break up the old patterns for good. People who are craving lasting change and inspiration, but don’t know exactly how or where to start, because they’ve lost the connection to their own truth and inner compass.

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