Using LÎLA's Magic

Could LÎLA'S Magic Work for Me?

If you are dealing with things like:

Feeling isolated and disconnected from your life and from others

Lack of motivation, energy or a vision for what's next

Dissatisfaction from life being "business as usual"

Uncertainty about what's next for your life, career or relationship

Knowing something is calling you, but you can't connect, have clarity or trust exactly what that is

Wishing you could feel more of your creative energies, intuition and a better connection with your body

LÎLA is for those who love dance, movement, self discovery and the of magic of being in motion.

Whether you have studied dance all your life, or never before.

Part of its magic is what we all have common- the experience of living life in our BODIES.

Sometimes life can get so busy, and the mind can get so distracted, that we forget to notice how our body REALLY feels...
Until things like illness, pain or an injury force us to notice.

With LÎLA, its the subtle noticing that helps you to create your own magic...

LÎLA was created for people who are excited about transforming their reality into hearing and living their real purpose in life. 

It means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying “I wish I knew what I wanted, maybe someday things will be different and I will finally feel like I’m in the right place.” 

Its programs, events and themes are created to revisit, heal and transform hidden core limitations. This can lead you to hearing what you actually want deep down, what you need to do, and get you excited again by the possibility of your life.

Being a soul seeker myself, I’m known to work best with other soul seekers, people who are committed to transforming their life. Consider what you’ll discover with LÎLA could be a deep dive into your soul in order to shift your reality.

Just What Kind of Magic Does LÎLA Create?

Things like:

  • Big breakthroughs and ah ha moments
  • The healthy benefits of living stress free
  • Letting go and releasing trauma in the body
  • Finding more peace and compassion for yourself and others
  • Dissipating anxiety so that peace and calm set in
  • Creating new standards for yourself
  • Learning how to better self-nurture
  • Reaching for your passions in life
  • Discovering what's really important to you, setting goals and reaching them
  • Feeling empowered & excited about the future
  • Falling back in love with yourself
  • Breakthroughs in Creativity
  • Vibrating as a loving being, and become truly unconditionally loving with all your relationships (even the most intense ones that normally trigger you)
  • Creating healthy boundaries
  • Hearing what you really want and listening to that
  • Become truly aligned with yourself and your inner values

"LÎLA is a wonderful investment in YOU! I was reminded to trust my instincts. The biggest shift I observed was that when I am balanced, I am more likely to recognize and trust my intuition."

Sarah Trite
Project Manager

"Every class is the discovery of some hidden emotion I've stuck underneath so as not to feel, as well the unlimited potential of hope. I am restored to who I am, and who I am becoming."

Chisaku Liu
Founder, Seazen Soaps

" I’m an introvert by nature, but here I felt accepted and empowered and it was amazing to feel free and open. It gave me tools that made me stronger and more compassionate. It’s a wonderful gift!"

Tara Colligan
Business Manager

What are the options for how can I experience LÎLA?

There are both group live and virtual options as well as self- paced programs available...

* VIRTUAL & LIVE EVENTS include group experiences of Dance Alchemy around a central theme.

* VIRTUAL PROGRAMS are self-paced online courses specifically designed to create lasting, significant changes in life, work and relationship satisfaction. Areas of study include creativity, healing the Chakra system and re-framing the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis.


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