to Clarity & Confidence

Hello Extraordinary You,

Are you feeling less than inspired - like you have hit a plateau in your artistry and are in need of something that can reignite your passion for your dancing?

Then... It’s time to dance your way into a new relationship with dance, yourself and new possibilities for your future.
The Dancer's Path to Clarity & Confidence is my Signature System for Dancers, including Dance Alchemy©, the synthesis of 20 years of professional dance experience and metaphysical studies, which has helped countless dancers reconnect and give creative expression to their inner selves.

Are You Ready to Dance Your Way To Clarity & Confidence?

Release old fears, negative beliefs & being your own worst critic

Feel completely confident & free about who you are as an artist & person

Rediscover Joy & Fall in Love with Dancing Again

The Dancer's Path To Clarity and Confidence, my LÎLA program specifically for pre-professional and professional dancers (which includes my signature Dance Alchemy©), will launch you into deep transformation and self-expression. The effects of this deeply interactive program will create ripples throughout your life and career.

If you are ready to take the next step into your brilliance:


Through 5 Interactive Modules You Will:

* Release old, lingering past experiences as an artist that have left you dis-empowered, so you can feel confident and great about yourself and your talents again

* Own your all of your accomplishments, talents, and self-worth so you have a solid foundation on which to continue developing yourself as an artist with a real voice

* Free yourself from limiting beliefs like "I'm not good enough", "I don't belong", "Someday I'll be ready..."  and others so that you can realize your true potential in your career and in your life NOW

* Stop living inside of unconscious conditioning around art, negative biases and misconceptions around dance as an art form, so that you can begin to redefine and live by your own rules about WHY dance matters to you and the World

* Rekindle your love for dance with childlike wonder and joy so that a new future becomes possible

How it works:

Each Weekly Module includes metaphysical theory based on psychology, mindset and transformational learning.  In it you will go through a process of re-examining, healing and releasing old, limited patterns from your past through clear focused guided meditation exercises, journaling and Dance Alchemy© exercises- guided dance improvisation exercises combing imagery, energy awareness, and physicality that hold the keys to your discovery and your new life with dance.

 It’s time to improve your quality of your dancing and your life.  It’s time to remember WHY you dance...

Petra Duskova - Professional Dancer

"LÎLA helped me to discover where these old beliefs were coming from and reform my love for dance. To take it seriously."


Schedule a Discovery Call

Learn more about what's REALLY possible for YOU as a Dancer


50% Complete

Two Step

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